The Estate Of Charles Meardith Lopresto & More.

The Estate Of Charles Meardith Lopresto & More.
Antique Furniture, Small Antiques, Firearms Accessories & MORE!
Quarter Sawn Oak Curved Glass, Claw-Footed China Cabinet, Twin Size Lodge Pole Beds, Native American Art & Sculptures, Recast Remington & Other Bronze Sculptures, Western Collectibles, Wrought Iron Patio Set, Tool Box, US GI Ammo Boxes, Firearm Holsters, Optics & Accessories, Reloading Supplies, Commercial Lozier Style Shelving, Pottery & Tons More!
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Items start to close at 7:10 PM MDT Saturday, June 29, 2024.
Ending date and time subject to possible change to a later date.
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Any item or group that receives a bid in the last two minutes will be extended for two more minutes until no further bids are received.
Antique Furniture, Small Antiques, Firearms Accessories & MORE!
Quarter Sawn Oak Curved Glass, Claw-Footed China Cabinet, Twin Size Lodge Pole Beds, Native American Art & Sculptures, Recast Remington & Other Bronze Sculptures, Western Collectibles, Wrought Iron Patio Set, Tool Box, US GI Ammo Boxes, Firearm Holsters, Optics & Accessories, Reloading Supplies, Commercial Lozier Style Shelving, Pottery & Tons More!
We make it easy to bid from anywhere!
Items start to close at 7:10 PM MDT Saturday, June 29, 2024.
Ending date and time subject to possible change to a later date.
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Any item or group that receives a bid in the last two minutes will be extended for two more minutes until no further bids are received.
Mr. Lopresto passed away and we have been hired by his estate to sell all his remaining personal property. He was a well-known collector. You will find some interesting and desirable items for your bidding pleasure included in this auction. We will be posting more items each day. Keep checking back. Thanks!
1853 Bonny Dr, Loveland, Colorado 80538
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