Fantastic Collection Of Swords, Daggers, Bayonets, Knives, Coins, Currency, Artifacts & More!

Physician's Bankruptcy Estate Auction #5.
Fantastic Collection Of Swords, Daggers, Bayonets, Knives, Coins, Currency, Artifacts & More!
Civil War Swords, Cavalry Swords, German, US & Other Military World War One & World War Two Swords, Daggers, Bayonets & Knives, Custom Straight Blade Knives, Huge Asst. Of Case Folding Knives, Asst. Denomination US Gold Coins, US Currency Including $1000 & $500 Federal Reserve Notes, Confederate Notes, Native American Artifacts, Browning 22 Rifle & Tons More!
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Items start to close at 7:10 PM MST Saturday, December 2, 2023.
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Any item or group that receives a bid in the last two minutes will be extended for two more minutes until no further bids are received.
Fantastic Collection Of Swords, Daggers, Bayonets, Knives, Coins, Currency, Artifacts & More!
Civil War Swords, Cavalry Swords, German, US & Other Military World War One & World War Two Swords, Daggers, Bayonets & Knives, Custom Straight Blade Knives, Huge Asst. Of Case Folding Knives, Asst. Denomination US Gold Coins, US Currency Including $1000 & $500 Federal Reserve Notes, Confederate Notes, Native American Artifacts, Browning 22 Rifle & Tons More!
We make it easy to bid from anywhere!
Items start to close at 7:10 PM MST Saturday, December 2, 2023.
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Any item or group that receives a bid in the last two minutes will be extended for two more minutes until no further bids are received.
24 Oak Avenue, Eaton, Colorado 80615
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